Second opinion voucher

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“ Prevent negative sentiment, divestments or legal battles by speaking the correct common language in advance about direction, expectations and desired result!”

In many organizations it is seen that digital transformation is an essential strategy to remain future-proof. Limited knowledge in this area often translates into initiatives to start with improving “the basics”, which is usually the website. One or more agencies are invited to think along, quotations are sent in, a choice is made and action is quickly taken. In a number of cases as expected, but very often ultimately not.

A DWDA Second opinion voucher is intended to allow a pair of external experienced eyes to see and guide this initial process. Promises in quotations are often formulated too generically and insufficiently tailored to the needs that apply within the organization. Choice of solutions, lead times and required financial resources can often be made more fully transparent. An investment proposal, for example, does not say much about periodic maintenance costs or additional licenses, and even less about the additional resource capacity that you will have to deploy to make it pay off. Or developing a new platform without making provisions for system and data migration also quickly presents you with significant unforeseen costs.

A Second opinion voucher is ideally suited for organizations that want to get off to a good start, pursue a concrete goal and have also freed up realistic investment space for this. With the voucher, a check can be made on one or more external offers, but these proposals can also be directly linked to the internal capacity to successfully guide and manage these projects.

The effort usually consists of a strategy / execution ratio of 90-10% with the emphasis on mapping the match of mutual expectations with regard to output, lead time, costs and organization of efforts. The second opinion can be used to focus on the choice of quotation and the further refinement of the offer on the one hand and the internal support capacity on the other.

  • Duration 1 working day

  • Contract term one-off

  • Strategy / execution ratio 90-10%

  • Evaluation of proposal fit & robustness

  • Validation lead times and use of internal resources

  • Validation project financials; investments, maintenance, licenses

  • Risk assessment; Data, Technology, Connections and Compliance (GDPR)


DWDA second opinion voucher